Inspiration from George E. Allen
"People of mediocre ability sometimes achieve outstanding success because they don't know when to quit. Most men succeed because they are determined to." --George E. Allen
As I mentioned yesterday, I have been struggling lately with my training. Part of the problem is that a case I have been working on for the last few months has now gone to trial and that means more work and a change in scheduling. We work late to prepare for the following days witnesses, so for example, I missed my spin class on Tuesday. Coming home so late also means that I cannot reasonably get to the gym early in the morning, so it knocked out my morning run, yesterday. I did run a bit Wednesday evening, but only for 30 minutes.
This morning, I just decided that I will be late for work. I took a spin class this morning and followed it with a short run on the treadmill. It was my first brick of sorts. I really pushed on the spin class, so there was not much left of me on the treadmill, so I cannot really call it a real brick.
For those of you who do not know, a "brick" is a workout in two of the three triathlon sports back to back. The most common form is a bike/run, but you could do a swim/bike or even a swim/run.
I thought maybe I could get in a swim tonight, but it is already 8:30pm and I have not even had a chance to eat anything yet. Tomorrow and through next week my schedule should me more normal, so it is a swim tomorrow morning and a run tomorrow night.
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