Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Details, Details!

My modus operandi is to get up early, pack my gym bag with my work clothes and then head to the gym wearing my workout clothes. This inevitably will lead to problems. Once I forgot my dress socks. Another time I forgot my belt. I have forgotten my underwear. I thought that I had done just about everything, and each time I learned an important lesson to be more careful and not make that mistake again. It has been a while, but today I broke new ground.

I guess that on my way out of the house I grabbed two dress shoes that don't match. In my defense, they look pretty similar from the back and are a similar color. At least I also was successful in getting a left and right shoe. So what to do? Wear my workout footwear to work? Flip-flops don't go with my suit too well.

Oh well, live and learn.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you figured out how to keep clothes unwrinkled after pulling out of the gym bag? That one stumps me :-(

11:01 PM  
Blogger Paulie said...

If I have my suit and a dress shirt then I actually just keep them on a hanger, but if it is business casual then what you do is carefully bundle all your clothes together and they will usually stay pretty much wrinkle fee. Another similar method is the military roll.

9:12 AM  
Blogger Dan Seifring aka "OBRATS" said...

I used to keep a cheap pair of shoes in the office just for that reason.

9:38 AM  

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